In the course of the previous ten chapters we have described the
unfolding of love. First, we carefully constructed the horizontal axis
of sexual love. Then, we added the second, vertical axis of parental
love. And, finally, we circumscribed this axis with the circle of
communal love.
On a closer view, two opposed forces seem to be out at dissolving this
figure. A first, centrifugal force, the vertical axis is dissolves and
the horizontal axis is curved into the circumscribing circle
This is the story of the sexual orgy, to which this eleventh chapter is
We saw a similar centrifugal force at work in the previous chapter.
There, we described how the horizontal axis was dissolved and how the
vertical axis was curved into the circumscribing outer circle: the
community of the spiritual fathers, as the counterpart of the orgy. In
the last chapter we will see how, under the influence of a centripetal
force, the cross and the circle are condensed into a single central
point: the incest.
During the absence of his brother, Shah Zaman
- the man of the decapitated woman, that we saw at work in the chapter
on promiscuity - witnessed the following event: 'Suddenly
he saw the doors of the palace open. The wife of his brother appeared in
the company of twenty women slaves: ten black and ten white. She hopped
like a dark-eyed gazelle. Shah Zaman looked at them without being seen.
He saw how they walked to his palace, where they halted under the
window, without seeing him, because they thought he went hunting with
his brother. They sat down against the wall and took their clothes of.
Now it appeared that it was ten black male slaves and ten black female
slaves. The ten males began to make love with the ten black female
slaves. Thereupon, the queen cried: 'Massud! Massud!', and a black slave
jumped from a tree. He wedged himself between her thighs, and had
intercourse with her. They only stopped when it was noon'. The poor Shah
Zaman, threatened by unfaithfulness himself, felt comforted: 'I now see that
this fate befalls everybody'' This is only the orgy from a story. But
similar orgies took and take place also in the real world.
From all places and all times, there are records of regular collective
and public orgies on occasion of religious feasts, mostly in honour of
fertility gods, not only with primitive tribes, but also with
higher civilisations, not only in the aristocratic upper layers, but also
with the peasants. Next, there are also more secluded orgies performed
by members of all kinds of sects. Best known is the 'Witches' Sabbath'
or the 'Black Mass', during which a priest, as the representative of
Satan, had intercourse with the
attendants of the ceremony and incited them to have intercourse with
each other.
Finally, there are the purely secular orgies, not only among the
aristocracy and the bourgeoisie, but also in the broader layers of the
population. Suffice it to refer to the orgies of the Borgias. After an
abundant dinner, Pope
Alexander VI summoned whores to unveil their beauty. He promised a prize
for those who would achieve the largest number of orgasms. Also
one-night-stands are often part of countless orgies. Let us also remind
of the countless masturbation orgies in boarding schools and the
widespread phenomenon of group rape during war. And, last but not least: in
and bars all over the world, there have always been mini-orgies of all
degrees under the influence of alcohol.
This short survey shows only the top of the iceberg. But is can suffice
to prevent us from projecting the orgy on 'uncivilised' people or
primeval man. Dreams about the orgy are not only banished into primeval
times and primitive tribes, but also into the hereafter. Thus, the
Trobriands imagine that they will engage in an endless orgy after death.
In some interpretations (like that of Sabattai Zevi) the Torah promises
free sexual access of all to all after the coming of the Messiah.
According to others, there is no food, no drink and no procreation in
the Jewish heaven. Also many early Christians must have cherished
orgiastic fantasies about the End Times. Often, they could not await the
advent of the Messiah. It is perhaps therefore that the Christian heaven
looks far more ascetic. Thus, Origen held that only in heaven will men
be safeguarded against sin, since women are not allowed. His theses are
rejected 300 years later. New concepts vary from a heaven with purely
optical contemplation of Gods Glory (Dante), over a heaven where also
music unites the souls (like on Van Eyck's Holy Lamb), to the more
popular heaven with rice pudding with golden spoons. Mohammed's paradise
remained unaffected by such asceticism; there is intercourse ad libitum
with eternal maidens. Orgiastic dreams are also cultivated in the
projection on hostile communities: therefore, it is often difficult to
know whether reports are founded or merely fantasised.
Finally, the orgy is often cherished in literature, especially in the
Eastern, as in the stories of 1001 Nights with which we began this
chapter. In the West, de Sade excelled in imagining the most crazy
orgies. Let us also refer to Les Chansons de Bilitis of
Pierre Lou˙s, the orgies with whores in Miller and those of Hesse (Steppenwolf).
In painting, there is the theme of the Bacchantes, nymphs pursued by
fauns and satyrs, and that of the feasts like those Rubens and Delacroix (Sardanapale)
How have we to understand the orgy?
A first series of authors understands the orgy from its legitimations.
It would promote the fertility of nature or the community. To phrase it
with Maffesoli: 'The orgy is a condensation of the sympathetic harmony
with the cosmos and the others.'
Other authors regard the orgy as a temporary lifting of the repression
on sexuality. Whereas, with promiscuity, the accent is on the forbidden
fruit, with the orgy, the accent is on the internal pressure on the
kettle. There are those who stress the release of forbidden sexual
activities: exhibitionism, voyeurism, anal and oro-genital intercourse
and sadomasochism. There are those who stress the removal of the
repressive social patterns within which sexuality is canalised. Some
think of the quantitative limitations imposed by monogamy or polygamy in
favour of intercourse with the entire community. Others think rather of
the replacement of imposed heterosexual partners with partners of the
same sex, of another age or of another species, or, finally of the
rejection of the legal partner(s) as such.
All these explanations presuppose that sexuality is curtailed by all
kinds of regulations. They conceive of the orgy as of a kind of valve to
release the tension in the kettle. They thereby overlook the fact that
an orgy does not at all imply that the activity or the social pattern is
forbidden. An orgy might as well consist of the performance of permitted
sexual intercourse (think of Fourier) within a sanctioned social frame
like a commune, a harem, or a series of monogamous couples. Conversely,
tabooed activities or tabooed relations might as well be performed in
isolation or within the frame of permitted relations.
When talking of the removal of imposed social relations, most authors do
not think of the harem, but of monogamy. Since also promiscuity and
polygamy seem to overcome the limitations of monogamy, they are easily
confounded with the orgy. Thus, Fourier regards the orgy as a ''mariage composé'.
As far as I know, only Crawley and Wund discern polygamy from the orgy.
With many authors, the assimilation of polygamy and the orgy is
facilitated by using history as a catalyst.
As opposed to the (presumed) monogamy in the present, the orgy and
polygamy/promiscuity are referred to the past. That betrays itself in
the terminology. Suffices it to remind of the fact how Bachofen
described the evolution from Afrodisian-hetaeric primeval times, over
matriarchy, to Apollinian patriarchy. Nietzsche masculinises Bachofen's
scheme into the opposition between the Dionysian and Apollonian. In his
'Geburt de Tragödie' is unambiguously formulated what was only
implicit in Bachofen: the orgiastic interpretation of sexual intercourse
in primeval times. This idea resounds in all the theories on 'primeval
communism' ever since Morgan. The 'collective property of women' can be
understood not only as reciprocal polygamy, but also as an orgy. The
assimilation is fostered by more superficial similarities. Vico fancied
how the Gigantes had intercourse in the open air in the presence of
other Gigantes and without any shame. Shame developed only when they
became sedentary and thereby withdrew in a cave. Also Bachofen was
convinced that primeval men made love in public. With Diderot, the
inhabitants of Tahiti have intercourse in the open air and in plain
daylight and Krafft-Ebing has the same ideas about primitive tribes as
such. Such ideas about shameless intercourse in public cannot but foster
the assimilation between polygamy and the orgy.
Also Freud was a victim to this confusion. We already mentioned how he
interpreted the orgy as a regression to a former state of sexual
relations, when romantic love had not yet emerged and when sexual
partners were considered interchangeable. In the same primeval times,
Freud also situates the patriarchal hordes.
Although there is no description where the sexual intercourse of the
primeval father with his wives is said to be orgiastic, orgy and
polygyny of the primeval father are closely interconnected in the eyes
of Freud.
The confusion between orgy and polygamy survives in the twentieth
century. Havelock Ellis holds that the countless yearly sexual orgies
are a remainder of the yearly rut, which has disappeared with civilised
men as a consequence of domestication. Alberoni conceives of the orgy as
of a form of society in which an temporary erotic communism is realised. Margulis
describes the polygamy of homo erectus as one great celebration of love
in which nobody belonged to nobody. She goes so far as to proclaim the
orgy in the beginnings of human history as a remainder of the orgy in
the beginnings of evolution as such: the continual orgasm of division of
The orgy is not only confused with polygamy, but also with promiscuity.
We already pointed to the fact that promiscuity and communism are used
as synonyms by many authors. Also the confusion with the orgy is common. Maffesoli
conceives of 'l'amour vagabond' as of an orgy. Also Alberoni sees no
distinction between orgy, 'free love' and promiscuity.
The silent confusion of polygamy and the orgy is caused by a remarkable
error. The orgy and polygamy have in common that there are more than two
individuals involved.
But there are two temporal differences. Polygamy is a relation between
several partners that has to be measured in months or years, whereas the
orgy is a feast that has to be measured in hours or minutes, a once-only
event, although it can be repeated cyclically. This first difference
reveals a second one. Whereas with the orgy all the partners are
sexually active at the same time and in each other's presence,
polygamous partners meet each other in couples, each in their own turn.
The same goes for the assimilation of promiscuity and the orgy.
Although in some forms of the orgy, the partners are exchanged rapidly,
we should not forget that the don Juans do not gather after their
conquests to make love together, let alone to share their conquest. They
rather prefer to consume their snack within the confinement of their own
private alcove.
To better grasp the difference between polygamy/promiscuity and the
orgy, we should remember that, in the orgy, shame, that normally leads
to isolation, is lifted. With usual sexual intercourse, the partners
withdraw in isolation to share their orgasm. With the orgy, the partners
rather join in public with the explicit intention to make love in each
other's presence, like the primeval men of Vico and Bachofen. The
comparison with commensality imposes itself, the widespread habit of
eating together. When hungry, humans feel the irresistible urge to look for
companions. This urge is so strong, that solitude often kills hunger.
Conversely, seeing someone eat often suffices to raise one's appetite.
In the same vein, seeing others making love also raise one's sexual
appetite, and one often feels the urge to raise the sexual hunger of
companions by proceeding to making love before their eyes. This desire
for co-lovers often takes the shape of the desire to make love in the
open air or in public, or, in the repressed form, of the fear of being
seen. Eating and lovemaking seem to be contagious. And that is what they
have in common with lots of other activities: think of smoking and
drinking. Many people cannot fall asleep alone and signal by yawning the
readiness to go to sleep. Women who love each other often synchronise
their menstruation. And when someone begins to sing or whistle, it is
difficult to resist the urge to join him.
That reminds us of the way in which communal love is celebrated as a
feast: by commonly performing some common activity. In that respect, the
sexual orgy resembles other feasts like banquets, drinking bouts,
gatherings of gamblers, sport manifestations, lynch parties,
hooliganism, collective suicide or self-mutilation (like the priests of
Demeter, the Scopts, or mourning Islamites).
It turns out that the orgy is merely a particular form of the feast.
What makes a feast into a feast is in the first place that people enjoy
together. The nature of the enjoyed activity is neutral in principle.
Just like a banquet is not organised to still hunger, an orgy is not
organised to satisfy sexual needs. That is already apparent from the
fact that the Romans used to go vomiting between the courses of their
banquets, or in that thirst is artificially elicited by alcohol. The
same goes for games and sports. The players challenge each other and
that elicits the desire to win. Just like a banquet uses hunger, a
drinking bout thirst, games and sport the desire to win, just so does
the orgy use sexual desire. All the theories that understand the feast
in general or the orgy in particular in terms of pressure in the kettle,
fail in that they understand these activities in terms of the activity,
rather then in terms of the simultaneity of its the performance. They remain
blind for what transforms eating into a feast, and lovemaking into an
orgy, and therewith for the common essence of all feasts, that transcends
the binding activity. The feast is not a question of sexuality, 'gastricity', 'ludicity' or
of what have you, but rather of identity - in the ideal case of
simultaneity. The
communal performance adds something to the satisfaction of what is
performed. One enjoys that one enjoys together. This pleasure is
synonymous with the advent of the 'mystical body' of the community.
Enjoying 'enjoying together' is the way in which the community is realised.
Only now does it become fully clear what the difference is between
polygamy/promiscuity and the orgy. If we discern between social
formation and the bond that ties this formation, then it is apparent
that polygamy is a social formation and the orgy is a bond. Or to phrase
it plainly: whereas polygamy is a sexual social formation (a form of
tied by a sexual bond (lovemaking), the community is a communal social
formation, tied by a communal bond (the orgy in particular or the feast
in general). As
a social formation, polygamy is to be discerned from other forms of
marriage, like monogamy, and other social formations, like the community. As
a bond, the orgy (that binds a community) is to be discerned from
lovemaking (that binds monogamous or polygamous couples) and form
sucking (that binds mother and child).
From the point of view of
content, the confusion between the many forms of polygamy and
promiscuity comes down to a reduction of communal love to sexual love,
and vice versa. The reduction of communal love to sexual love can be
found with Freud, who conceives of larger social groups as derivates of
the primeval horde. The converse reduction of sexual love to communal
love can be found with authors like Maffesoli, who asserts that
sexuality is repressed by monogamy, and that sexuality can only fully
unfold in the orgy. To him, the orgy is the expression of a 'collective
instinct' that is at the same time 'sensual and sexual'. There is not
only the mutual reduction of sexual and communal love. In the next
chapter, we shall study the double reduction of parental and communal
love to sexual love in the incest. From a theoretical point
of view, these reductions originate in the confusion between morphology
and function. Freud described how a same behaviour can serve many
functions: sucking can serve the purpose of taking in food or of
expressing a parental bond. In the same vein, copulation can serve the
purpose of reproduction or of expressing a sexual bond. The phenomenon
is made possible by the so called 'preadaption': in order to invent new
functions, evolution has to start from existing organs and behaviours.
One and the same 'form' can thus come to serve multiple purposes. Thus,
Lorenz describes how the sexual bond between goose is expressed through
behaviour that originally served a totally opposed function: aggression. No wonder then, that
different functions are often reduced to one another, on the sole ground
that they make use of the same behaviour. No doubt, sexual intercourse
evolved to secure sexual reproduction. But, in the course of evolution,
it came to serve totally different purposes like binding a couple or
even expressing dominance (like with many baboons). Copulation should
therefore not be identified with one of these functions.
Conversely, the sexual bond consists of other elements than those
borrowed from reproductive behaviour alone. Lorenz demonstrated how the
sexual bond between goose is realised through a transformation of
aggressive behaviour. Eibl-Eibesfeldt pointed to the role of feeding:
think of kissing.
One and the same sexual bond can be expressed by behaviour from diverse
origins: kissing, grooming, copulation, threatening. With animals that live
in couples, but do not fertilise internally, copulation cannot be part of
the sexual but in principle. It is well know how Freud
interprets the relation between parents an children in sexual terms. It
is true that the sexual and parental bond often make use of the same
behaviour: think of kissing, embracing, caressing and so on. That does
not suffice, however, to conclude that the parental bond is sexual in
nature. For the same reason, one cannot conclude that the orgy is
sexual, from the mere fact that it makes use of the same behaviour as
the sexual bond. On the ground of formal similarities between the
parental, sexual and communal bond, Freud concludes that there is one
and the same (sexual) function. No doubt, the three persons are one god.
But the name of that god is not libido sexualis, but Eros, love in
general. And the three persons are: sexual, parental and communal love.
Whoever wants to write the evolution of love, should better not
concentrate on copulation. Already since Haeckel, however, countless
authors begin the history of love with the union of sperm and egg. Haeckel
talks of 'chemical erotropy' between egg and sperm. Bölsche opposes the
fusional love between egg and sperm and the 'distance love' of higher
organisms, that have to resort to copulation: 'vom Zell-Leib
zur Zell-Liebe'. Mantegazza even traces the origin of love back to the
attraction between atoms. Bloch describes how also animals that have no
genitalia experience pleasure in the moment of fertilisation and refers
with no further problems to the 'orgasms of fusing primeval cells'. Also Freud
and Ferenczi see the libido sexualis already at work with the primeval
cells, that are split for some mysterious reason. The scheme survives
with Margulis, who talks of the 'orgasmic' scission of viruses.
The confusion of morphology and function also leads to a mistaken
understanding of the orgy. Misled by morphological similarities, many
authors fail to discern the orgy from the sexual bond. Through
overlooking the function, they miss the insight that the orgy is only one
of the many forms of the feast.
'Now every
man feels himself united with his neighbour, reconciled and fused
together (...).
Singing and dancing, man expresses himself as a member
of a higher unity.
He has forgotten how to walk and talk and is on the
verge of flying up into the air as he dances.'
Nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik, 1871.
closer sight, the morphological similarity between forms of behaviour
that serve different functions, turns out to be rather superficial: organs as well as behaviour are transformed when they acquire a new
function. Often, parts of one behaviour are integrated in a new
encompassing whole. Thus, the child that behaves exemplary, receives a
kiss on its cheek or its forehead. In a parental context, the kiss (on
the forehead) closes a chain, whereas, in a sexual context, the kiss (on the lips) initiates a
totally different chain. It will prove interesting
to examine how sexual behaviour is transformed during its integration
in an orgiastic context.
A first series of orgies consists of making love together. As far as the
coitus is concerned - penis in vagina - only a pair can be formed. A
larger formation can only be achieved by adding several couples. One
woman can make love to several men, one after another, or one man can
make love to several women, one after another. In both cases, the
simultaneity - the core of the communal experience - is weakened. Just
like with one-sided polygamy, a number or males or a number of females
are temporarily excluded.
This problem is solved in the most perfect variant of this form of the
orgy: when many couples make love together. Only when, next to the penis,
other protrusions are summoned - think of the tongue and the fingers -
and when, next to the penis, other openings are penetrated - think of the
mouth and the anus, can other combinations be envisaged.Several men
can penetrate one and the same woman, or one man can penetrate several
women. Or chains can be formed with all kinds of combinations: chains
with cunnilingus or fellatio ('swallow the leader') - think of the
trains described by Burton. A second method to overcome the limitations
of the couple is self-satisfaction, as when many men and/or women
masturbate communally.
In all these cases, the gain in simultaneity is paid by a loss in
communal feeling. Not all the partners can perceive each other's orgasm
genitally, tactilly or orally. That is only possible when they look at each other and display themselves to each other,
but then, the orgasm
loses in intensity. Whoever wants to avoid such splitting, will have to
alternate between being a spectator and being a performer. The community
is then divided in spectators who enjoy seeing, but have no orgasms, and performers
who have an orgasm, but cannot visually share it. This conflict can only
be solved through replacing the orgasm with the shared delight in communally
contemplating a lovemaking couple. The orgasmic community is thereby
transformed into a voyeuristic community: voyeurs who delight no longer in
beauty, but in contemplating orgasm. The subordination of the coitus
under the orgy thus results in a new combination of two elements of the
sexual chain.
The incommensurability of genital intercourse and the orgy is heightened
in that orgasm satiates sexual desire, foremost with men, but also with
women. The resort to sexuality has the same inconvenience as the resort
to eating: just like the orgy in orgasm, the banquet finds its end in
Only here does it apply that men feel disappointed after the coitus, like in
the saying
'post coitum animal triste'. In the orgy, love cannot find a new
through switching to another register, like when lovemaking is continued
in cooperation. The orgy has to last, for hours, for days, eternally! No
wonder that, with Taoist or tantric orgies, the participants resort to
coitus reservatus. No wonder also that, during modern orgies, it is
mostly women who continue to be sexually active, while men are soon
reduced to mere onlookers. The
only remedy is to join the perverse move away from the orgasm, up to
the tactile, visual and auditory preparatory stages. The communion of
sexual arousal is for more appropriated than that sexual release. Sexual
arousal allows for simultaneity, and also for communally contemplating
each other's performance. The
standard solution for this problem is sensual dancing. The most common
form is dancing in pairs. There are also variants where one man dances
with many women and conversely, or variants where chains are formed (lambada),
or variants where all the partners press themselves against each other
(see the tactile 'games' of the Trobriands).
With this first, tactile form of perverse orgy, the problem that the
contact with the other members of the community is lost, repeats itself
on another level. Tactile contact is limited in principle, just like
genital contact. At most two people can be touched with the hands, and
with the body not many more. Whoever wants to feel united with more
participants, will have to resort to the distance senses and to proceed
to listening and looking. But precisely tactile contact tends to stir
the propensity to close the eyes. Contact with other participants can
then only be realised through listening at the rhythm of the synchronising
music. This turns touching into simultaneous movement of all the members
of the community. What makes dance to a communal bond, is no longer
sexual tactility, but communal simultaneity. The stress shifts form the
pleasure in copulatory movements to the pleasure of moving as such. A
restoration of the sexual intent must of necessity lead to a disturbing
of the rhythmical synchronisation. From a morphological point of view,
there is a new combination of touching and listening, that is not found
in the sexual chain also here: in the couple, caressing is not elicited by
rhythm, but by the silent caressing of the partner.
A further step away from orgasm is the voyeuristic orgy. The most common
variant is that one women unveils herself before the eyes of many men,
or the other way round. Only Fourier mentions this variant of the orgy
and calls it 'l'orgie de musée' that does not provide the pleasure of
having, but only of seeing'. In his ideal society, the most beautiful
women and the most beautiful men will display their beauty regularly
before the community after the example of statues in a museum. Another
popular variant is when men and women voyeuristically enjoy each other's
beauty and exhibitionistically display their beauty before each other:
the kind of collective exhibitionism/voyeurism that is performed in
various degrees of nudity on (nude) beaches, baths and saunas, in
dancings, in operas and churches, on promenades, during parties and
receptions, and what have you. The nude beaches on the Mediterranean are
the cult places par excellence of this ritual .
Also in this second, optical form of the perverse orgy, the
collision between sexual and communal love is repeated. Looking and displaying go
hand in hand, the one elicits the other. The lover that displays herself
for her beloved, does so not only to have him looking at her, but also
to have him display his own beauty for her. Eyes can only look at one
partner at a time. That is why such reciprocal voyeurism/exhibitionism
can only be performed by a couple. The confinement within the frame of
the couple is also a consequence of the fact that not all the lovers are
equally desirable. Many men admire the most beautiful woman, and
conversely. But the chosen one only admires his or her chosen counterpart. As a
couple, they withdraw from the community.
Only abandoning reciprocity can overcome the restrictions of the couple
and enables the formation of a community. Only the chosen one, who only
displays her beauty without looking herself, can be admired by a large
mass that does not display its beauty, but only admires.
But a new problem arises also here. All are united in that they are
admiring, but they are not looking at each others looking. The community
itself is not perceived. That problem can be solved through the
intervention of the audible: applause, whistling, comments during the
performance, through which the voyeurs feel united. The comparison with
the activity in the amphitheatres and shadow theatres, as described in
our chapter on 'The beautiful Woman' is misleading. The difference lies
in the fact that the orgiastic exhibition is not intended as seduction:
the intention is not to proceed to copulation. Compensation may be found
in a
particular variant of this ritual, where the participants look at one
single woman who is approached by a group of men.
In another version, all the participants display each other's beauty to
each other, so that all can equally admire each other's beauty. This is
only possible when all the exhibitionistic movements are synchronised
through music. Since all the partners synchronise their movements, the
partners become exchangeable. Also here, the accent shifts from erotic
display to synchronised movement. The
perverse forms of the orgy culminate of necessity in the tactile or
visual dance. With this kind of dance, the community is finally realised
through the synchronising rhythm of the music. Through such
synchronisation, the visual and tactile elements are desexualised, just
as was the case with orgasm that was transformed in a visual display.
The only way to escape such desexualising is rhythmic synchronisation of
the audible erotic appearance. The audible erotic appearance has been
symbolised in figures like the Lorelei or the Sirens. When it comes to
the audible erotic appearance, theoreticians seem to have wax in their
ears, just like Odysseus. In most theories, its description fails.
Exceptions are Darwin, who descried in the mating call the origin of
music, Mantegazza, and alsoBinet, who refers to opera singers.
This neglect is all the more deplorable, since the importance of the
audible appearance cannot but be underestimated. Not for nothing did
many hetaeres master the art of singing. Also the nineteenth century
West, the opera singer - the divine diva - knew how to provide her
public an eargasm, that more than eclipsed the effect of her equally
appreciated colleague in the theatre. The reason is that the ear,
although it is a distance sense, causes pleasure in the ear itself,
otherwise than the eye, The 'audible body' of man is not an object situatedbefore our eyes, like visual appearance. It has rather
something of an aura in a vibrating ether, that also moves us as ear and
aura. What displaying and admiring are on the visual plane, is echoing
on the auditory plane. Lovers (not otherwise that parents and children)
develop a remarkable kind of 'grooming talk' full of echoes. In
polyphony, this erotic play is elevated to heavenly heights. The
development of polyphonic and harmonic music in the West, is the
auditory counterpart of the high flight of the visual arts. Only in the
such singing together does the orgy celebrate its highest expression. Rhythmical
coordination, simultaneity, and what is coordinated - sexuality - belong
to one and the same audible medium.
This medium continues to exert is erotic effect. It is not desexualised.
That is why the vocal or instrumental 'symphony' goes often hand in hand
with a deep feeling of being submerged in the mystic organism of the
group as a collective soul. Precisely because the audible appearance of
music is seldom experienced as such, this highest form of the orgy could
know such a high flight in the West. Its bloom began of all places in
the Christian churches. Only later were built concert halls and opera
houses. Only now does it become clear why in the Christian heaven, the
sexual orgy had to leave room for visual contemplation. It is not by
accident that the orgy is often described in musical metaphors: in Fourier's
ideal commune Harmony, the couples unite in 'quartets, sextets or
octets', yes even 'orchestras of passion'.
From a social point of view, also the auditory orgy can be realised in
several versions: only men, only women, men and women together. Similar
combinations are easily recognised in instrumental music. Of course, the
combination of male and female voices has the highest sexual freight. It
becomes irresistible when one melody, sung by one woman, is accompanied
by male voices: the beautiful woman, on the stage of a - this time
auditory - amphitheatre!
Not for nothing are the lower female voices often replaced with higher
male voices. And not without reason did polyphonic music evolve into
homophonic music, where one high voice is embedded in the condensed
polyphony of chords.
When we overlook this development, we see that sexuality undergoes two
morphological transformations when it is functionally subordinated under
the primacy of simultaneity. In a first move, sexuality is released from
its subordination under the primate of genitality. It thereby falls
apart in separate elements. Orgy and orgasm turn out to be rather
incompatible. In a second move, sexual behaviour is desexualised into a
performance that has to be contemplated visually or a gesture that has
to be synchronised audibly. That is why the most repulsive version of
the orgy is far less popular than the fare more attractive unveiling, or
the universally approved dance. With this last variant, alcohol should
not fail. It stirs desire, but makes impotent, as is becoming to the
orgy. Dionysos is the God of the orgiastic ecstasy, not of the orgasm.
Only music enables the condensation of the most perverse extreme of
sexuality and the metrical simultaneity of the community. Unveiling,
dance and music: all this is condensed in Richard Strauss' 'Salomé's
dance', the orgiastic counterpart of Wagner's orgasmic 'Isoldes
Through its transformation in the communal orgy, lovemaking is
desexualised through simultaneisation. Thereby, the horizontal axis of
sexual love is curved ever further. Eventually, it takes the place of
the communal love of the circumference.
Sexuality does not put up so easily with its subordination under the
genital primacy. With the visual orgy, pure exhibition can easily
degrade into eduction (or be experienced as such) and then invite to
tactile contact. The same goes for dancing. The visual version often
leads to touching, and the tactile version to copulation. In the margins
of the orgy, we often find lovemaking couples, who isolated themselves
from the feasting community. With the coital versions of the orgy, it
suffices to give up the contact with the other couples and to
concentrate on each other. Such breakthroughs of the sexual urge
constitute a permanent threat to communal love. The
resexualisation of the orgy is not only the effect of the reluctance of
the sexual drive to be subordinated, but also and foremost of its
repression. It is fuelled then by the propensity to unfaithfulness, just
like all the forms of polygamy or promiscuity. As opposed to polygamy,
the orgy has the advantage that it is not a form of marriage, so that no
new relations have to be envisaged. Often, the partner also participates
in the orgy, so that nobody can reproach nobody. It is only one step
further to the abuse of the orgy as a means of reanimating the
sexual life of the monogamous couple. The orgy is used as an
aphrodisiac, when witnessing each other's lovemaking is used as a means
of sexual stimulation. Such abuse of the orgy is comparable to the abuse
of banquets as a means of satiating one's hunger or of receptions to
quench one's thirst.
In the resexualisation of the orgy lies the objective basis of both
theoretical misconceptions of the orgy: the concept of the orgy an form
of marriage, and the interpretation of the orgy as a safety valve for
what has been caged in the monogamous prison.
The ambivalence of the resexualised orgy explains the countless
procedures that initiate and conclude it, which are absent in other
forms of the feast. Through alcohol, drugs, music, or procedures like
poker, the transition form couple to community and from orgasmic to
orgiastic commerce is facilitated. More difficult to handle is the
return from the orgy to the normal sexual relation.
A wife or a husband who made love during an orgy, have been unfaithful.
But the one cannot reproach the other of what he did himself.
Acquaintance with the communal partners can spoil the fun.
Not by accident are most orgies performed in darkness or with masks, are
the partners allocated by chance, or do the males resort to whores.
Through the resexualisation of the orgy, communal love on the
circumference of the circle implodes to the horizontal axis of sexual
love, that previously was curved to a circle. The intervention of
sexuality swallows the vertical axis of time, which otherwise assigned
the lovers their place in the succession of the generations. That is why
the resexualised orgy is a matter of adolescents. The children and the
aged are excluded.
principle, couple and community are not incommensurable.
It suffices to alternate participation in both. In addition, nothing
prevents participants of the orgy from celebrating the orgy with their
legal partners. In that case, a perfect condensation of sexual and
communal love would be achieved. Only the resexualised orgy is a
negation in every respect of the intercourse between lovers: as well
with regard to partners as with regard to the kind of lovemaking. Henceforth,
the primary concern is to make love with everybody, except the legal
partner. Already with Fourier, 'jealous and exclusive' love is
contrasted with 'collectivistic' love, and the latter is conceived of as
a higher state in the evolution of love. That contradicts another ideal
of Fourier, that the orgy is a 'besoin
de nature'. Maffesoli holds that sexual 'exclusivism' is an offence
to the community. Only through such taboo on monogamy, and the
concomitant taboo on jealousy, does the orgy degrade into transgressive
Only to such orgy is the aversion of the loving couple legitimated. Many
are those who try to break free of the confinement of compulsory
monogamy through indulgence in the orgy. Their fervour finds its
counterpart in the aversion of lovers of the in their eyes debasing
orgiastic commerce. This only strengthens the propensity of the loving
couple to withdraw from the community and to isolate itself. That the
loving couples comes to oppose the community, has everything to do with
the hostility of the community to the loving couple. Sexual love would
only be reconcilable with communal love, when everybody would be in love
and remain so. Here lie the roots of a natural taboo on the orgy. And
this taboo, just like the taboo on polygamy/promiscuity and the incest,
is imposed by monogamous love itself. To
such natural taboo is added the resistance of the excluded children and
the aged. These can be integrated easily when the orgy is desexualised
and when it resorts to other activities than sexuality. In as much is
the orgy is resexualised, children and elderly are of necessity excluded
of this communion. In that respect, the resexualised orgy undermines
communal love: the higher and the lower strata of the community can no
longer participate. Thus, the taboo on the orgy originates in the first
place from the other parts of the love cross. They resent the tyranny of
a sexuality that represses parental love and is out at usurping the
place of communal love.
Such spontaneous taboo is evident from the way in which the orgy is
often projected on enemies or in primeval times. It should be clearly
discerned from the ascetic taboo on all things sexual. The orgy has
often been forbidden; the cult of Bacchus has been forbidden by the
Roman senate in. The Christian Church used the Inquisition to eradicate
the 'Witches' Sabbath'. Missionaries tried to eradicate the orgy among
the 'heathen' primitive people. The same attitude is to be found with
the other world religions: suffices it to refer to the attitude of the
Hindus towards tantra, that is therefore often performed in secret
gatherings, and to the attitude of the Jews, which will be further
studied below.
We proposed to discern the sexual orgy from other feasts. Also these other feast are often called 'orgies', especially when they are
experienced intensely. In that sense, the orgy seems to be the paradigm
of the feast. Only through borrowing from sexuality (especially from sexual
arousal, like with dancing), doing something together seems to become
intense enough, to provoke the experience of unity in a mystical body.
The communion of sexual arousal is the primeval form of the communal
Only the aggressive orgy seems to be able to compete with the sexual. It
suffices to refer to the gladiator games, lynch parties, group rape,
cannibalism, and what have you. In comparison with the sexual orgy, the
aggressive orgy has a number of drawbacks. Feast often ask for a state
of rest, in which man becomes by nature sexually aroused. Aggression, on
the other hand, rather disturbs that state of rest. In addition, after
the disappearance of tribes and since the increasing socialisation of
the world, it becomes increasingly difficult to find enemies, of which
one is not at the same time dependent. That is why real enemies are
gradually replaced with symbolic ones, like bulls. The aggressive orgy
is thereby transformed into sport, into a ritually regulated challenge.
The shift into hooliganism demonstrates how fragile such transformation
is. Sexuality, on the other hand, is already a sexual bond before being
transformed into a communal bond. That is why only the purely sexual
orgy can be understood as the orgy of orgies. It has the advantage that
it not only mobilises the strongest bonds, but moreover that it has an
inbuilt end in orgasm. That is also why the sexual orgy is mostly the
last phase in a series of preparatory orgies of another kind, that are
introduced as a kind of foreplay as it were. When the climax has come, it
is easy to return to daily life. When orgasms do not bring the climax,
alcohol can make an end to the orgy, just like it also allows to fall
asleep when there has been no sexual gratification in the couple. No
doubt, also the murder on the primeval father and the ensuing totem meal
by his cannibalistic sons, belong to the aggressive orgy. In the wake
of Robertson Smith, Freud thought in the first place of ritual offerings,
especially of the Christian mass. The story of the primeval father shows a
remarkable lacuna here. In our chapter on 'Primeval Communism' we
already described how the fraternal horde would found a commune after
the murder on the primeval father. It is not difficult to imagine how
the brothers, in the flush of victory, also communally consumed the
conquered wives of the primeval father, in a communally celebrated
primeval orgy. As a first crime against the primeval father,
interiorised as conscience, that would surely have stirred their
feelings of guilt. Remarkably enough, this moment fails in Freud's
story. We are only told that the sons resign from making love to the
primeval father's wives in order to maintain solidarity. And that notwithstanding the fact
that precisely the sexual orgy has been used by many a
brotherhood as the consecration of their togetherness. Roheim tried in vein to fill this lacuna.
Behind every religious feast - in case: the mass, where the brothers in
Christ drink the blood of their father and eat his flesh - Freud only
descries the cannibalistic orgy. He seems to be blind for the 'black
mass', the 'agapč' in the real sense of the word, that so many read in
it or made of it. The mass commemorates not only the murder on the
primeval father, as Freud thought under the influence of Robertson Smith.
The precursors of the mass, however, are not only the (human) offering,
but also the orgiastic mysteries and the hierosgamos of the high priest.
According to Taylor, the Eucharist was only introduced in the third
century, as the successor of the orgiastic 'agapč', during which the
attendants went in trance (like the later Shakers). The epiphany of the
monstrance, during which the worshippers have to lower their eyes,
is an echo of the blinding appearance of Salomé or Phryne. In the eating
and the drinking, Freud sees this time only the table and not the bed.
Of all people Freud, who is so often reproached for his sexual bias,
represses the sexual aspect of the orgy. It seems as if, behind the
deadly banquets of don Giovanni and Rasputin, he wants to overlook their
misdeed. That is betrayed in the fact that the very orgy that he
considers as a remnant of primeval times is failing in his
reconstruction of those primeval times.
Against the background of the subsumption of communal love under sexual
love, we understand where the repressed has withdrawn: in the
condensation of the polygyny of the primeval father with the orgy, as
analysed above. The theory of the totem meal, Freud's paradigm of the
orgy, is, according to our analysis, not only the reversal of the
cannibalism of the father in that of the sons, but also a negation of
the sexual orgy. In
this context, it is not superfluous to remind of the fact that in many
biblical text god is bestowed with female characteristics. Therein,
traces survive of the cult of the divine couple Jahweh-Ashera as
it must have existed in the (post-mosaic) monotheistic reform of the
seventh century. It seems to resurge with the Cabbalists, who conceived
of their copulation as of a holy deed by which the divine hierosgamos of
God and Goddess was initiated. Copulation was allowed only on the
Sabbath, and it had to be performed without pleasure. Nowhere is it
demonstrated the hostility between couple and community more evident.
Such orgiastic practice on the Sabbath was taken over by the brotherhood
of Safed after the expulsion from Spain. The followers of Sabbatai Zevi (17th
century) proceeded to genuine orgies. Let us refer to the Dönmeh in the
early eighteenth century in Turkey, to the followers Jakob Frank (1726-1795) in Poland,
who were accused of dancing around nude women, and to the community
around Jonathan
Eibeschütz in Central Europe. These movements caused a pietistic
reaction of the Chassidim in the Poland of the 18th century under the
spiritual leadership of Baal Shem Tov. They returned to a more ascetic
version of the cabbalist tradition. The focus is no longer copulation
without pleasure, but on prayer. That prayer was conceived as a
copulation with the Shekhina, the female emation of God. Their arousal
could take such proportions as to culminate in
ejaculation. Baal ShemTov opposed such practices. He recommend to think
of God instead of the Shekhina. Thereby, the Shekhina was expulsed from
heaven, where henceforward only a male god was worshipped by god-fearing
sons. Therein, he is the shadow of Moses, who removed the golden calf
from the pedestal. Therein he is equally the prefiguration of Freud, who
expulsed Bachofens primeval mother from primeval times to install a
primeval father on her throne, who, brandishing the sickle, chased his
sons from his harem. And, just like Moses silenced the orgy around the
golden calf, Baal Shem Tov chased the worshippers from the Shekhina.
Their practical taboo was theoretically completed by Freud. It
must be granted that Robertson Smith and Freud have the merit of having
discerned the aggressive-cannibalistic aspect of the orgy.
Both aspects are united in the rituals who are said have been performed
by the Scopts. A scopsita, proclaimed to mother of God, was denudated on
an altar and kissed by the entire community.
When she gave birth to a child, it was killed eight days after birth.
The blood of this son of god was drunk during a communion and his dried
body was processed into cookies to celebrate the Eastern communion. Also
the followers of Satan are said to have eaten the corpses of babies in
the form of cookies. During such reversed totem meal, not the father is
eaten, but the son, as is becoming to Kronos.
Especially with the communion of sexual arousal, the orgy has the
advantage that it also affirms sexuality. It thus erects a strong dam
against every endeavour to ban it from our lives. It enterains the
arousability and is the most appropriate means to break the spell of
work and the subordination under the castrating society. That, the orgy
has in common with romantic love, that other keeper of love. The
orgy has still another advantage. We already described how not all
people are equally beautiful and how the formation of couples bereaves
the less beautiful from the delight in the most beautiful. It is true
that romantic love makes blind for such differences. But since romantic
love fluctuates, the delight in the beauty of other candidates may
sometimes bring solace and is in any case a better solution that
secretly taking another partner. Displaying one's beauty to the
community may, finally, relieve the guilt of having eclipsed the less
fortunate. Only in the orgy, not in the commune, is every ground for
jealousy removed.
For the orgy to fulfil this wholesome mission, it should clearly be
outspoken that the orgy is in the first place a communal bond, and not a
sexual one. Only then can the resexualisation be scorned. Only then can
the orgy be saved as the paradigmic consecration of sexual and communal
love, and as the hinge that joins couple and community. Bachofen's
saying 'Not to wither away in the arms of an individual has women been
adorned with all her charms' finds its truth in an orgiastic context. It
suffices that all restrict themselves to the shared delight in audible
or visual beauty, or to the charms of touching, and that all resign from
appropriating their communal partner for private consumption. Only then
can the exhibitionistic-voyeuristic orgy fulfil its true task: to
cultivate beauty to the benefit of all.
Perhaps the universal hunger for the women of others, as it is apparent
in the many forms of polygamy and promiscuity, will some time give way
to the communal delight of all the lovers in each other's happiness. It
is to be feared that many goblets will be filled with wine before it
comes so far...