Niet om in de armen van
een enkeling te verwelken, werd de vrouw door de natuur met al haar
charmes getooid.'
In our endeavour to complete the symmetry
between the stories of Freud and McLennan, we overlooked the
primal man in Freud's primeval father and the primal woman in McLennan's
primeval mother. Let us therefore
leave aside pregnant, bearing and breastfeeding
mothers and begetting and working
fathers, and turn to beautiful women for fiery young men.
There is no way around, then: women are beautiful. Men are
immeasurably fascinated with this beauty and women cannot resist showing
it off, except for reasons that will become clear below. Female
exhibitionism and male voyeurism cannot but feed and enhance one another
in an ever renewed cycle.
Whatever the standard of beauty in different times and different places,
the fact remains that not all the women are equally beautiful. Were they
equally beautiful, there would stay only one admirer before the scene
where they unveil. In reality, all the men haste themselves to that one
and only amphitheatre where the most beautiful women appears
at not all the women are equally beautiful, creates a new form of
scarcity of women. It is not absolute, like the scarcity that results
from girlicide, but relative: there are enough women - one for every man - but only one of them is the
most beautiful. The most beautiful women refers all the lesser beauties
to the realm of darkness. It is not only the women who banish
them. The men are their accomplice. The effect of this banishment is far more greater
than the effect of both forms of scarcity that we already know: the
scarcity as a consequence of the murder on new-born girls and of the
hysterectomy that the primeval mother has the primeval father execute.
Only such relative scarcity of women has the effect that McLennan
ascribed to the absolute scarcity of mothers: one-sided polyandry. All
the men want to admire one single woman: the most beautiful. The most
beautiful woman though is not prepared to monogamically display herself
for one man.
On the contrary: The more she displays her beauty, the more men she
fascinates. The stronger their fascination, the more radiant her beauty.
Thus originates the exhibitionist amphitheatre, where one woman displays
herself polyandrically before the eyes of countless men, who admire her
The counterpart of the exhibitionistic polyandry
of women is not the voyeuristic polygyny of men. No doubt, men are out at
admiring many women, but only to find out which is the most beautiful.
Whereas maternal polyandry runs up against paternal polygyny, the
exhibitionistic polyandry of women finds it natural extension in the
monogyny of men: before the most beautiful woman they humbly kneel in
large numbers! The situation is totally different in the harem. The
harem holder can maintain his position only through the deliberate
elimination of his competitors and through the deliberate subordination of
his women. The exhibitionistic amphitheatre is formed with the same
irresistible necessity as a crystal: men are equally inevitably magnetised
by the beauty of the woman on the scene as the cinderellas are rejected
to ingloriously disappear behind the scenes. Whereas the primeval father
had to wield the sickle, the primeval mother has only to unveil her
beauty. The primeval father that wants to gather women in his harem
cannot but remind us of Sisyphus: as a punishment, he had to
ceaselessly roll a rock up to the top of a mountain, only to see it roll
back from its own weight. The primeval mother, on the other hand, has
rather something of the ocean: the stones that roll from the mountains
and are transformed to pebbles in the rivers, eventually sediment into
an alluvial delta.
As long as not all the women can be transformed in to equivalent divine
beauties through eugenetic techniques, men - always in the supposition
of the absence of economic and political power - are doomed to
fraternally gather in the amphitheatre. Only the chosen women qualify for their admiration. The rejected cinderellas may have polyandrous desires, but they cannot realise them.
The existence of the pyramid of beauty lies at the roots of a first form
of the discontent of so many women with their body. For millennia, women
have been messing about with ointments and powders, bathes and diets,
not to mention other kinds of primitive technology - in expectance that high-tec
genetic manipulation can bring solace.
Not only women, also young men are beautiful.
The counterpart of the desire of women to put their bodies on display
before the eyes of men, is the desire of the young men to put their
bodies on display before the eyes of women
- in the hope that they
will admire them in their turn. That is why the exhibitionistic
of the woman has also its male counterpart - in principle. Also women
are monandrous in their choice of the most beautiful man, and the most
beautiful man enjoys his admiration by a host of women.
That does not mean that contradictory desires run up against one another.
There are one-sided polygamous desires with both sexes, but they
are complementary: the exhibition of the woman has its counterpart not in
the exhibition of the man, but in his admiration, and the other way
round. The phanic and the scopic drive complete one another. Therein, the
exhibitionistic polygamy of the beautiful woman differs fundamentally form the maternal
polyandry in the preceding chapter. The man who wants to impregnate as
many women as possible, cannot marry a woman that wants to take as
many men as possible as a father. Nothing prevents the women to
move to the male amphitheatre after their exhibition in the female
Both exhibitions can occur simultaneously.
In practice, the amphitheatre of male beauty is overshadowed by the that
of the rich man, as we shall see in the next chapter.
The foregoing goes only as long as beauty is merely admired. But beauty is not only meant to admire,
but foremost to seduce. The woman who
displays her beauty to a man invites him to display his beauty in
his turn, and such reciprocal seduction eventually leads to making love
to each other.
As soon as seduction proceeds to making love, the situation changes
dramatically. Whoever enters the scene in view of seduction, wants to
see the amphitheatre getting crowded, but only in view of choosing the
most desirable partner - with whom he soon leaves the theatre to retire in
As soon as the partners proceed to choosing each other, the
are emptying. The most desirable man chooses the most desirable woman.
They leave the scene and thus bereave the public of the sight of their partner. The scene can now be entered by the man and the woman who
are the second beautiful. Also they soon leave the scene and make place for
the next couple, until eventually also the least desirable partners find each
Whereas displaying beauty leads to polyandrous (or polygynous)
amphitheatres, seduction inevitably leads to the formation of
monogamous couples. The most beautiful women wants to be admired by all
the men, but why would she make love with less desirable partners? Why
would she desire a second partner, when she is already satisfied by a first
one? And the same goes, conversely, for the most beautiful man who
wants to make love with the most beautiful women. It could be objected
that the most beautiful woman would prefer to make love with more than
one man, but, even when she would want that, there is also the most beautiful man,
who certainly is not prepared to share his choice with competitors.No doubt, a communal response to seduction has its secret charms: those
of the orgy. We will come back to that topic in chapter XI.
For partners on the lower steps of the pyramid, prospects are not so
good: only the chosen ones at the top could make a proper choice. The
choice of all the others is doomed to be second hand. No doubt, they
would like to choose the most desirable partner, but they cannot get him.
They have to choose someone, but want another. The
consequences cannot be overseen. That people are not equally attractive
leads to a principial and structural damage of sexual love: the lower on
the pyramid of desirability, the stronger the resentment against sexual
appearance and the stronger also the resentment against the real partner.
And that cannot but result in increasing frigidity and impotence, as a
response to the approach of the partner.
'As soon as women are ours, we are no longer theirs'
Once abducted from the scene, the beautiful
partners are no longer admired by the public, but rather jealously
hidden from view. In the twilight behind
the scenes, they are overwhelmed with the feeling that they could
struck a better bargain. That is why they all begin to long for regaining the
amphitheatre, in the secret hope that they will be chosen by a more
desirable partner.
Rather than settling in the monogamous bed, then, many lovers begin to
regret their abduction from the scene. That is why the monogamous coital
relation more than often goes often hand in hand with a polygamous
exhibitionistic stance. Such dichotomy only increases the damage to
sexual love. The resentment against one's own sexual apparition, the
frigidity or impotence for the factual monogamous partner, is completed
with the decision to no longer look at him and to no longer exhibit
oneself. Henceforward, the scopic and the phanic drive are reserved for
the amphitheatres, and the sequel in the marital bed is postponed
Whoever continues to dwell in the amphitheatre declares himself eligible
again. Many content themselves with an imaginary return to the
amphitheatres. Others actually proceed to a renewed choice. In both
cases, it turns out that the poor lovers were only impotent or frigid
when making love to their legal partners. Precisely such confrontation
with the selective unwillingness of their partner drives many a man of
woman to insanity.
Exhibitionistic polygamy comes to an end through sexual intercourse, and
sexual intercourse - we tend to forget it in our age of safe anti-conception
- leads to pregnancy. In chapter II on the primeval mother, we
described how the extension of a sexual relation to parenthood replaced
polygamous exhibitionism with factual monogamy. That cannot but fuel the
desire to prolong the exhibitionistic feast in the amphitheatre. At the
same time, the ability to participate in it is drastically reduced. As a
father of a mother, man an women are no longer desirable partners.
Whoever wants to become a father, has no interest in marrying a woman
that already cares for somebody else's children. The same goes for
mothers and men that are already fathers. In that respect men are better
off than women: there are no visible traces of fatherhood, whereas, with
a woman that is pregnant or lactating, precisely the signs of female
attractiveness are testifying to motherhood. In as much as fathers and
mothers are desirable, they have less time to spend in the amphitheatre
because they are occupied with the care for their children. And,
finally, parenthood affects bodily beauty, especially with woman.
For men and women who want to continue the feast of exhibitionistic
polygamy, it matters to reduce or postpone their eclipse through
parenthood. They may try to remain unmarried or childless, and if they
have children: as little and as late as possible. Not all the candidates
want to regain the amphitheatre. Especially the privileged on the top of
the pyramid are afraid of losing the partner they knew to seduce. They
want to hold him in bed and to transform it into a childbed. And that
goes not only for the man that wants to leave a indelible mark on his
beautiful woman, but also for the woman that wants to bind her partner
through becoming pregnant.
Here lies the origin of the separation of sexuality and reproduction.
Phrased in terms of roles, we see a tendential divide between man and
woman that are out at seducing and making love on the one hand, and men
that impregnate and women that become pregnant on the other hand.
Whoever is talking of polygamy, will have to specify of which aspect of
sexuality he is talking. In this and the next chapter, we concentrate on
seduction and making love. The other aspects will be dealt with in other
To remain a woman or to become a mother, such is the choice henceforward!
Seductresses and seducers can want children of may be forced to have
children, as has been the case until recently for economical reasons. In
any case they cannot postpone the choice. Sooner or later they have to
become not only lovers, but also parents. A man has also the possibility
to behave as if he were not a father. A woman, on the other hand, is
deeply affected by reproduction. In principle, a man's part to
reproduction may be reduced to the simple act of coition, while a woman
has at least to endure pregnancy and lactation. More men than women will
be able to combine both roles, whereas the role of women is inevitably
confined to motherhood. It comes as no surprise, then, that mothers
would like to devour the fruits of their womb! They often have mixed
feelings about the beings that thrive on their blood or their milk.
Behind the image of the cannibalistic mother that cannibalises little
girls, looms up the image of the cannibalistic woman that cannibalises
her children as such, regardless of sex. The counterpart of the witch
who eats children, is the image of a child that, like a rat, eats the
mother from within.
Thus, two new worlds are created. On the one hand there are fathers and
mothers who withdraw in factual (sexual and parental) monogamy, and on
the other hand there are men that admire a small number of women in the
amphitheatres. Both worlds are connected through men who figure as
fathers for mothers in one world and as men for women in the other world.
As soon as anticonceptives have become more reliable and economic
compulsion to have children is weakening,
we see an increasing number of women appearing in the amphitheatres. The
men who commute between the amphitheatre and their home are accompanied
with women who equally commute between the two worlds. The world of
parents shrinks and so does the number of commuters. Eventually,
everybody will quasi permanently remain in the exhibitionistic
Thus, we got acquainted with three factors that - apart from any
influence from society, that we be dealt with in the next chapter -
contribute to the damage to sexual love: that the majority is not at the
top of the pyramid of desirability, that most candidates cannot marry
the partner of their choice and that a monogamous parental relation is
combined with polygamy of seduction. The postponement or the refusal of
factual parental monogamy only makes such devaluation worse.
We come to
describe how the resistance grows to have lovemaking unfold in
reproduction. There is also a reluctance to have seduction unfold to
lovemaking. What remains is pure exhibitionism. The limit is reached
when seducing exhibition is transformed into condescending aloofness.
After the seduction, one has to exchange the amphitheatre for the
bedroom. Lovemaking has in common with parenthood that it bereaves of a
host of admirers. The sole difference is that parenthood chains for a
lifetime, whereas, after lovemaking, the amphitheatre can be
regained immediately. Proceeding to intercourse has also another
disadvantage: orgasm eventually releases the desire to seduce and hence
the motor of the whole commotion in the amphitheatre. The feast lasts
only as long as lovemaking can be postponed. Until recently, lovemaking
also carried the danger of pregnancy. And, finally, lovemaking with
another partner is not so easily combined with an existing relation as
merely looking and exhibiting. It all too easily catches the eye and
elicits heavy reactions of jealousy at that.
The feast in the amphitheatres sets the movement of time still: the
ritual of seduction wants to continue eternally. From the steady
unfolding of seduction over lovemaking to impregnating, only seduction
is left. Or, to phrase it with Freud, foreplay has become endplay. Such
transformation is called 'perversion', the refusal to subordinate the
'partial drives' under the genital primacy. 'Pervertere' means to revert
a movement, to deviate it from its original goal. We want to retain this
somewhat outmoded terminology, at the risk of being misunderstood. What
is more: we even want to extend the term to the other aspects of love.
The exhibitionistic perversion isolates seduction from lovemaking (and
hence from reproduction). It only lies in the prolongation of what we
could call the coital perversion: lovemaking isolated from reproduction.
The perverse trend reverses the move with which love is unfolding from
seduction over lovemaking to reproduction. Perverse lovemaking (coital
perversion) does not unfold to reproduction. Perverse exhibitionism
seduces without proceeding to intercourse. The perverse move finds its
counterpart in the isolation of the later moments of the movement: in
the coital perversion there is lovemaking without preceding seduction,
and in the fertile perversion there is impregnation without preceding
lovemaking, without the concomitant sexual pleasure.
Under the sign of the perverse trend female beauty freezes to pure -
cool - beauty, without seductive unfolding: the same woman who wants to
be beautiful is often sexually inhibited. Beauty is uncoupled from the
seductive invitation. From such beauty, the mermaid is the
appropriate paradigm. Such perverse exhibitionism manifests itself in an
exemplary way in Salomé's dance. Legend has it that Salomé was a virgin.
Mallarmé deemed her to be frigid. She unveils herself before the eyes of
countless men, only to retire in the darkness behind the scene. Such
void embodies her orgasmic frigidity, the more so when the exhibition
ends with the mere staging of orgasm, as with eastern belly dancers.
(The second part of this chapter will be published soon.