'How happy were our
Syres in ancient time,
Who held plurality of loves no crime'.
John Donne, Elegy
Polygamy is undoubtedly the form of marriage that appeals most to the imagination, especially in the variant of the Eastern harem. That is why we
begin our journey through the labyrinth of sexual relations with an
examination of the male's desire to monopolise many females.
The most fascinating theory of male polygamy has undoubteldlty been proposed by
Sigmund Freud. He formulated it for the first time in 'Totem und Taboo'
and returned to it on four more occasions: a second time in 'Massenpsychologie und
Ich-analyse (1921), a third time in 'Das Unbehagen in der Kultur
(1930), a fourth time in 'Der Mann Moses und der Monotheismus' 1937)
and a fifth time in the third essay of the same book (1939). The theory goes that, in primeval times,
a strong male monopolised all the women in a harem: his mother, sisters and
daughters, and also women captured from other harem holders. The sons were
kept at a distance, chased and, if necessary, castrated or killed.
Thus, for Freud, primeval love was polygamous and incestuous.
That modern man gave up the polygamous desire of the primeval father and complied to
monogamous love of non-incestuous women, is a consequence of
the primeval patricide. In primeval times, such
primeval patricide must have occurred many times
in many hordes. It was carried out by the sons of the primeval father,
united in the fraternal horde. After the patricide, the cannibalistic
brothers consumed their father's body communally. Their feeling of guilt
inspired them to install the two fundamental taboos: the taboo on
patricide and the taboo on incest, which had been the privilege of the
primeval father. Henceforward, humans
have to repress their
polygamous and incestuous nature.
Freud based his construction of the primeval horde on Darwin
en Atkinson, who studied the sexual behaviour of wild animals,
respectively gorillas and wild horses. These authors are situated in a
tradition that compares human behaviour with that of wild animals, a
tradition that begins to flourish with the advent of urban man after
the industrial revolution. The fittest male was allowed to polygamously
and incestuously mate with all the females (particularly his daughters).
What, with Freud, is merely a theory on
primeval man, has from way back been a
practice granted by men to the animals domesticated by him.
Not only the observation of animals strengthened the belief in
polygamous primeval times. The ever extending network of trade relations
brought the so-called 'monogamous' cultures in contact with people with
different habits. Already the Greeks felt themselves surrounded
polygamous 'barbarians' (Herodotus), and the monogamous island of
Christian culture was embedded in a polygamous ocean, especially after the
ascent of Islam. From the Age of Exploration onwards, the evidence of
the existence of polygamous societies increased, especially after the advent of the first
specialised anthropologists.
No wonder that many authors became convinced that Western monogamy was
merely a thin layer of
Christian varnish over more profound, heathen polygamous aspirations. As soon as the bible could
be read in the vernacular, the polygamy of the patriarchs began
to stimulate the
It suffices to remind of the Anabaptist Jan van Leyden who openly
propagated polygamy in Munster in 1534, of the 'Dialogus Nebuli' written
in 1541 by
Lening on instigation of Philip van Hesse, who wanted to obtain
permission for a bigamous marriage from Luther and Melanchton. In 1563,the former FranciscanBernardino
Ochino, a Calvinist with growing
sympathy for Anabaptism, wrote his 'XXX Dialogues'. Only in 1823
was discovered the manuscript 'De doctrina' written by Milton
simultaneously with 'Paradise Lost'. In 1637 Johan Lyserus (Leyser)
writes a
'Discursus de Polygamia', and in 1676 he publishes a book wherein is
written that Adam had many ribs: 'Das Koenigliche Mark aller Laender'. 'Polygamia Triumphatrix'
is published in 1682. Think also of the former Methodist Westley Hall
and the 'Thelyphthora'
published in 1780 by the equally apostate Martin Madan.
The biblical paradigms are gradually replaced with more secular
legitimations. Especially the stories of the explorers stirred the
imagination. The report of de Léry on the Indians (1578) inspired Montaigne
to an elogy on polygamy. Authors like D. Versa ('L'île
des Séverambes', 1677) and C. Gilbert ('Histoire de Cal java', 1700)
constructed profane utopias
rather than millenarian visions. Voltaire ('Essay sur les Moeurs')
and Diderot were inspired by the report of Abbé Rochon on Madagascar,
but foremost by that on ' the love island' Tahiti -
"la Nouvelle Cythère -
a presumed paradise in the Pacific of Bougainville (1768) and Cook (1769). Also jurists provide new arguments. Johan Selden
demonstrates in 1640 that polygamy was allowed under the Mosaic Law and
that it was practically universal in the Ancient World. In 1672, Pufendorf
the idea that polygamy would be contrary to Natural Law in his 'De Jure Naturae et Gentium'. Even
philosophers join the discussion. Schopenhauer holds that monogamy is
artificial for man, but natural for woman because of her larger
investment in parental care. In the end of the 19th century, all these
perspectives are combined in ambitious historical reconstructions. Not
only Darwin, Atkinson and Freud, but alsoLubbock, Anquetil, Pitt Rivers
and even Westermarck hold that, in primeval times, one man took many
wives. Lubbock (1870) thinks that polygamy became the rule after an
initial period of promiscuity. According to Simmel (1911) woman chooses
an individual, while man is attracted by the species. Lévi-Strauss
(1947) believes that 'social as well as biological givens suggest that
polygamous tendencies are natural and universal among humans, and that
only restrictions imposed by culture are responsible for their
repression'. That is also the opinion of Symons.Tiger and Fox (1974) hold that there
is no universal form of marriage except male (!) unfaithfulness. Barasch
(1979) writes that man has been a harem holder for the largest part of
our history. Shepher (1983) thinks that polygamy has been the rule
before man began to hunt cooperatively. With R. Smith (1984) the
vegetarian Australopithecus was a harem holder, and Homo erectus could no
longer maintain his harem because of his hunting existence...
The abundance of scientific
pleas for the polygamous nature of man
contrast sharply with the dearth of literary works that celebrate
polygamy. Briffault holds thatMerovingian and Carolingian
literature celebrated polygamy and that the Christian adaptations have
erased the tracks. There is, however, an abundant literature where polygamy is negatively
depicted as a stage that has been overcome by monogamy. That holds true
not only of Western literature, where courtly love is a leitmotif, but
also for the Eastern literature that has been the inspiring model. In Eastern tales, a most cherished theme is that of the harem holder
who gets enamoured amidst the temptations (Sheherazade). In the West, we often find
the theme of the liberation of the beloved from the tyranny of the harem holder ('Die Entführung aus dem Serail').'The 'Swan Lake', in
which the young girls, transformed into swans by a sorcerer who holds
them firmly in his grip, might serve as a paradigm. From her metamorphosis
into a swan, woman can only be liberated through
unconditional love. It should be noticed that it is not a horde of
rebellious brothers that
brings about liberation, but an individual lover.
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man,
saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel:
only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.Isaiah 4:1
Polygamy is undoubtedly an old and widespread practice
among humans. We
can assume that it has been practiced from primeval times by all man who
could afford it. Very common is 'sororal
polygyny'*: a man marries all the sisters. Murdock found it among 70 of
the 132 polygamous tribes in his selection. Often, polygamy was a
necessity in societies where marriage and inheritance played the role of
contemporary money relations. The supply of women (and the concomitant
delivery of services and gifts) to the head of the tribe was the way in
which the tribe paid its 'taxes'.
The development of commerce and the concomitant appearance of the state
after the agricultural revolution have given a strong impetus to polygamy.
Not only for economic, but also for political reasons (the sealing of
alliances) do kings sometimes marry many wives. Increasingly, women are also
accumulated in view of procreation and sexual recreation. The women may
live in separate houses, as has been the custom in the earlier tribal
stage. But far more obvious is the concentration of women in an enclosed
space, guarded by old men or eunuchs, that has become widely known under
the Arabic name 'harem'.
In what follows, we shall adopt this term - in the wake of primatologists
- in the broader sense of the 'collection of women of a polygamous man''.
It should be noted thatthe relations in the harem are not seldom
legally diversified:
next to full marriages, there are also relations with concubines or
slaves who do not enjoy the same legal privileges. Also in these cases,
we continue to speak of harems.
In the new cities or states a kind of pyramidal structure develops.
man on the top disposes of a big harem. It consists of the most
beautiful girls gathered from all the corners of the empire. Next comes
a second layer of lower nobility, bureaucrats and merchants,
keeping smaller harems. The majority below them has
settle for one single wife. And on the base, a more or less
large group has to
content themselves with no mate altogether.
Already in ancient Sumer, kings seized the opportunities of
their privileged position. In Egypt, polygamy seems to haven been the
custom in the third millennium. Gradually, a mitigated form of monogamy
was introduced that left room for concubines and slaves. In Babylon a man
could marry only one woman, but was allowed to have many concubines. The
Assyrian kings had many wives and concubines. Also the Persians were
harem holders With the Jews, Rehabeam had eighteen wives and sixty
concubines, and Solomon is told the have kept more than seven hundred
wives and three hundred concubines. Polygamy has never been forbidden,
but withered away under the influence of Christendom and survived only
in an Islamic context. With the Greeks, Themistocles had himself
around in a chariot pulled by four hetaires under the trees of the
Also the Romans practiced polygamy: the emperor Commodus kept a harem of
three hunderd women and three hundred boys.
In ancient China the modest tribal polygamy was gradually replaced with
a pyramidal structure. Above a broad layer of monogamous peasants, there
was a middle layer of modest harems with three to twelve wives and some
concubines. Then came the nobility that kept up to thirty wives.
The emperor was expected to have one queen, three wives of the first rank,
nine of the second and twenty seven of the third, and eighty one
concubines. Already under the Tjou Dynasty (1100 222
the harems grew to considerable proportions. During the reign of the T'ang
(618 907 BC) the harems consisted of hundreds of wives.
A calendar of copulation was kept, so that each woman could mate during
oestrus. Also the Mongols extend tribal polygamy to imperial proportions. Djenghis Khan
kept more than five hundred women in his harem and each of Kublai Khan's
four empresses had no less than then thousand servants and eunuchs. Kublai Khan
himself disposed of some five hundred secondary wives that were replaced
every two years. They were divided in groups of five that had to woo
their master for three days and three nights. The most beautiful girls were
selected from all the corners of the empire. The nobility had
to content themselves with the lesser beauties.
The Arabic world shows a similar evolution. Mohammed did not introduce
polygamy, but
only encouraged the already existing polygamy, although he
limited the number of wives to four. Many Muslims circumvent the problem
through taking secondary wives and concubines. The Turks, who were
polygamous just like the other people of the steppe, took
over the harem
after the conquest of Byzantium in 1453. In the heydays of Ottoman power
in the sixteenth century, the legendary 'seraglio' of the sultan
numbered some thousand women, mostly concubines. In the seventeenth
century king Ismail of Maroc had 1056 children. Ismail Pasha, the
underking of Egypt, kept around 1860 several harems on the banks of the
Nile, some on the Bosporus and one on the isle Chios. Faruk, the last
king of Egypt, had problems with his potency and had to call the help of
rhinos. Ibn Saud (1880-1953), Keeper of the Holy Places, managed to comply with Mohammed's
restrictions by divorcing as soon as he grew tired of one of his four
legal wives: when he drew his last breath, four hundred legal wives had
passed the review. He also kept slaves and concubines and a stableof five hundred cars at that. He sired 44 legal sons and 64 daughters.
In ancient India polygamy was practiced by kings and rich merchants.
Under the Persian name 'zenana' the harem was introduced by the Muslims
in India. In the sixteenth century the Moguls kept harems that numbered
several thousands, personnel and eunuchs inclusive. In Siam, Mongkut (1804-1868),
who lived as a monk until he was 46, was offered a harem of three
hundred women on his crowning ceremony.
Polygamy was popular also in African kingdoms. In Sudan, Mahdi Mohammed Ahmed
owned an enormous harem with concubines who worshipped him like a
messiah before his fall in 1898. In
Christian Ethiopia the king owned hundreds of wives and concubinate
was widespread. The otherwise impotent 'Fon' of Bikon in Cameroun owned
some hundred woman. The number of wives of the king of the Ashanti was
not allowed to surpass 3.333. In recent times we remind of Idi Amin Dada
in Uganda and Bocassa of the Central African Republic, and of Mobutu in
In the New World, which remained isolated from the Old World up to 1492, we find the same
pattern. With the Inca, prominent citizens were expected to keep fifty
wives to keep the numbers of citizens growing. The harem of the Inca
himself was composed of a selection of the most beautiful girls selected
from the
four corners of the empire, like with Kublai Khan. Among the Aztecs harems were kept in view
of the growth of the population.
In the pre-Christian West polygamy was widespread. The early
Christians inherited the custom from the Jews, who forbade polygamy in
the 11th century (Gershom ben Judah). Paul forbids only bishops to
keep a harem. That did not prevent leaders of sects from being
susceptible to the charms of female admirers. Many a priest or a bishop -
only to mention Paul of Samosata, bishop of Palmyra - took advantage of
celibate woman working in his household. In the fifth century the
Christian emperor Valentianus had many wives, but Justinian imposes a
ban on polygamy in the sixth century. That did not prevent many a feudal
lord from keeping a concubine and begetting many a bastard. Suffice it
to mention Chlotar I, Charibert I, Pepin I, Charlemagne, Count Roger
of Sicily, the crusader Frederic II, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Philip
the Good, Charles the Brave, Charles VII (Agnes Sorel),
François I and his 'petite bande' composed of willing noble daughters (and Agnes Sorel), Rodrigo Borgia, Louis XV. In
some cases the secondary relations were sealed with a marriage. In 726, Gregory
II declares that one can take a second wife when the first cannot fulfil
her marital duties. Up to Sigismund August of Poland appealed to this
decree and in 1521
the pope consents in a second marriage of Henry IV of Castily because
of the infertility of Dona Blanca. Many a medieval theologist was
kindly disposed to polygamy, especially in Spain with its strong Islamic
influence. Many a crusaders took a second wife, and even brought her
home, like Count Gleichen of Thüringen. In the 16th century, the
Portuguese, who not seldom kept harems with slaves like the Dutch, were
allowed to marry one wife in Portugal and another one in Goa. Many
trappers had a Indian woman in each of the villages they visited on a
regular basis.
Also the clerics practiced polygamy. In the 11th century, the bishop of Fiesole
lived openly amidst of a whole harem of concubines with children. The
same goes for bishop Henry of Liege in the 13th century.
Especially Protestants were inclined to endorse their attack on celibacy
with polygamous arguments against monogamy. One and another comes to its
apogee when Jan van Leyden proclaims Munster to 'The New Jerusalem' in 1534
and installs polygamy.
It was not reserved for him alone - even when he had himself venerated
like a Messiah and surrounded himself with well dressed young women. The
feast was drowned in blood eleven months later and a celibate bishop
took over the throne of the polygamous Messiah.
Henceforward, the Anabaptists had to restrict themselves to secret
Jan Willemsen, who had founded a new polygamous community in Westphalia,
ended on the stake in 1580. Increasingly, the Catholic Church took a
stronger stance. In 1531, Henry VIII intended to engage in a bigamous
relations, but Rome refused. Charles V had bigamy declared to be one of
the cardinal sins in 1532. But we have to await the Council Trent to
see polygamy officially forbidden. Luther and Melanchton - who were not
opposed to polygamy on principle - granted Philip von Hesse a bigamous
marriage in 1539, on condition that it would remain secret. The
stringent stance of the Catholic Church could not prevent that, in 1650,
after the population had been decimated as a consequence of the Thirty Years War - a regional council in Nuremberg in 1650
determined that young men were no longer allowed to enter a cloister,
that priests were allowed to marry and laics to take a
second wife. The spirit of the Anabaptists continued to haunt also the
mind of many a Protestant. The dissident Methodist Westley Hall kept
a religious commune in the 18th century and the New Jerusalem of
Munster knows a revival in 19the century Utah, where Joseph
Smith founded the Mormon movement. He contended that Jesus Christ was a
polygamist. He himself kept 27 wives. When Utah joined the United States
in 1890,
polygamy had to be forbidden. There is a revival from the sixties onward
(Mormon fundamentalism). Let us also mention that, under Hitler, Bormann
proposed to launch a campaign for polygamy in 1944.
Polygamy, finally, has been practiced covertly by many Christians. Figures
like king Ethelbald (8th century) regarded women's cloisters as their
private harems. Via the 'ius
primae noctis', the right of the first night, a kind of marriage of the
feudal lord with all his serfs was sealed. In Carolingian times the
'women's house' where wives and daughters of the serfs gathered to
work also functioned as a brothel. Similar customs survive with the
gentlemen farmers and large landowners after the feudal era. Well known
is the relation of the landowner with his black slaves in the United
States and in Middle- and South America. Also the bourgeoisie
took over
the habit on a modest scale: think of the 'harems' of Pietro Aretino and Byron in Venice,
of Shelley with Mary Wollstonecraft and the daughter of W. Godwin, the
double-relation of Claude Monet,
Auguste Rodin with Camille
Claudel and Rose Beuret (and countless models), of Carl Gustav Jung
with Emma Jung and Toni Wolff, of Sigmund Freud with his sister in law Minna,
to mention only some notorious cases. A special case is Howard Hughes
who kept countless beauties in apartments like birds in their cage.
In the West, polygamy has for a long time been a practice hidden behind
a monogamous facade. Seiler estimates that there are 25.000 à 35.000 polygynous
marriages in the United States and Cuber and Harroff mention many secret polygynous
marriages among successful Americans. Open
polygamy without religious legitimation, on pure sexual grounds, has
become more popular in the fifties. It suffices to refer to the many
stars who have exchanged the former serial monogamy for the harem. Also
rich Westerners often keep a harem in the Third World.
saw its highest flowering in the feudal world of nobility,
kings and emperors. It should not escape our attention that the harem holders
had to go
to great lengths to protect the harem from intruders with the help from
castrated guards, the eunuchs. We find them in the harems of the
Assyrians, Persians, Chinese, Mongols, Muslims, Ottoman, Moguls, in
Africa and with the Inca. the Inca and the Indians also used old man.
The number of eunuchs often matches the number of guarded women.
Their presence makes us ask how the excluded men reacted on the
monopolising of the women through a harem holder.
In his story of the primeval father, Freud bluntly assumes that the sons
let themselves be chased away by their father. Also Desmond Morris plays
with the idea that the adult male would chase away the younger males and
mate with the females when no other mechanisms would prevent such
polygamous incest. Freud and Morris seem to take for granted that the
father is stronger than his sons. Whoever assumes that also a human
father can build out his harem at the expense of his sons, will have to
consider that it takes very long before a son has become a grown up man.
That means that the father is already over the acme of his power when he
is confronted with grown up sons that are out at bereaving him of his
wives: many an ageing father would have a hard time keeping his grown up
sons at a distance!
Moreover, not only the sons pose a problem, but
also and foremost the other adult competitors. With gorillas, to which Darwin, Atkinson
and Freud appeal, the harem holder is actually the strongest. Recent
research reveals that he nevertheless cannot monopolise the females.
Moreover, harem holders can only maintain their position for a short
period: they will soon be replaced by competitors. More than often they have to
resort to making
alliances to expel competitors from the harem. Why should it have been
different with our ancestors? Already McLennan pointed out that a male
would not have been able to monopolise were it a single female, how valiant and
strong he might have been. Also Shepherd thinks that males hold each
other's polygamous claims in check, unless the balance of power is
seriously upset. It cannot but surprise us, then, that Atkinson and Freud
deem only a fraternal horde capable of eliminating the mighty primeval
How far more realistic are the power relations assessed with the Greek
primeval father Uranus, even when this time no harem is at stake, but
rather a throne! For fear of being dethroned by his sons, Uranus
banishes them to the underworld. The Titans are the fruit of his affair
with Gaia. His youngest son Kronos will bereave him of his member,
wholly on his own. That the son castrates the father, makes us doubt
whether it was actually a throne that was at stake. Be that as it may,
to prevent his sons to emasculate him in their turn, he decides to
them immediately after birth.
This Greek myth was the source of inspiration of Freud's myth. It
underwent a double metamorphosis: newly born sons are transformed in
young men and cannibalism in castration. This double metamorphosis makes
Freud's version incredible. Another Greek myth - that of Oedipus -
leaves no doubt as to how Oedipus, in the bloom of his youth, saw no
obstacle to killing the decrepit Laios on his own. That is why, in the
Greek myth, the fathers do not await the coming of age of their sons:
their power is at its highest when that of their sons is at its lowest. Laios
tries to get rid of the newborn Oedipus by throwing him to the vultures.
Kronos was more valiant and cannibalised his sons. Only as a Kronos is
Freud's primeval father conceivable. To monopolise his (mother, sisters)
and daughters, he has to kill and cannibalise his sons. That his only
competitors are his children (his sons) and not adults (his brothers) was the merit of his father, who
cannibalised his brothers.
It is our conviction that Freud's construction of a primeval father that
castrates his sons is the outcome of a process of repression. The story
of a primeval father castrating his sons conceals the spectre of the
completed, almighty primeval father that cannibalises his sons.
The repression is revealed in two remarkable details in Freud's story.
First, he replaces the cannibalism of the father with that of the sons,
who devour the corpse of their father collectively after the murder. The kind of punishment betrays the character of the father's crime:
cannibalism! If the father contented himself with castrating his sons,
we would expect, according to the principle of the talio, that the
rebellious fraternal horde would restrict itself equally to castration.
Second, in the Greek
myth, Kronos castrates his father on his own, while
in Freud's story an entire fraternal horde is summoned up to kill an
ageing father. Just like the brotherly cannibalism, the brotherly
cooperation betrays its truth in its reversal. When the father wants to
forbid his sons their access to his harem, he will have to surround
himself with an horde of eunuchs, just like his historical counterparts.
And it is these eunuchs that he will have to castrate, to prevent them
from cuckolding him. The mythical fraternal horde must hence be
understood as the reversal of the historical army of eunuchs.
Still, there is a kernel of truth in the story of the father cannibalising his
sons: polygamy presupposes a surplus of women. When every male is
polygamous, and every male wants to keep a harem, then there
be far
more females than males. Many authors refer to such a surplus with
polygamous people. Bachofen refers the to 18th century explorers Bruce
Niebuhr and to ancient authors like Pausanias and Strabo to
substantiate his claim that in the Near East and Egypt there was a
surplus of women (four to two against one). Many authors ascribe such a
surplus to a surplus of female births. However, Darwin pointed out that
there is an equilibrium of male and female births and, in 1930, Fisher
described the 'Fisher principle' that accounts for a principal balance of
the sexes. An imbalance had now to be ascribed to other factors. Already Darwin
pointed to a higher male death as a consequence of a more difficult
birth and exposure to dangers (predators and fighting). Others, like Lowie ascribe the larger male death rate to the dangers of hunting. The latter author argues that such a modest surplus does not suffice to
introduce polygamy even on the modes scale of bigamy.
By contrast, many polygamous animals show a considerable surplus of
fertile females. That surplus is generated not so much through a surplus
of female births, nor through a larger death rate of males, but through
the fact that it takes up to twice as long before males become
fertile. Imagine that, with humans, girls would become fertile at twelve,
boys at twenty four and that the average lifespan would be thirty six!
The number of fertile females would be twice the number of fertile males.
Only such a surplus of women would allow an average of two females per
male. Stronger men could take more females to the detriment of weaker
Authors who appeal to primates in their defence of polygamy, should not
forget that, with humans, there are as much fertile females as fertile
males, because there is no substantial difference in the onset of
puberty, especially when some initial infertile cycles are taken into
account. In this light, we can cast a doubt on the contention of Hrdy's (1981)
and others that humans show a degree of sexual dimorphy that is appropriate to
a polygynous species. The degree of sexual dimorphy is greater with our
ancestors. Male Chimpanzees are 25% larger than females, whereas as with
humans man are only 5 à 12% longer than woman.And they overlook
also that there is something like a menopause, which reduces the number
of fertile years drastically in women. There is rather a shortage
than a surplus of fertile
women. When polygamous men nevertheless insist on gratifying their polygamous needs,
they will have to create a surplus of women.
Such a surplus can be created in various ways. Many polygamous tribes
create a surplus by postponing the marriageable age of the males or
through murder on newborn boys. But real harem holders prefer war: many
women in the historical harems have been conquered during military
campaigns. That is the truth in the widespread theory of the 'abduction
of woman', introduced in anthropology by McLennan (1865) and taken
over by Lubbock, Spencer and Wundt (1916) The latter regards polygyny as
a characteristic of 'the barbarian period' and distinguishes this kind
of compulsory abduction from the more 'peaceful abduction' that was the
habitual form of marriage in primeval times, and he describes how the habit is
taken over by the 'rich' in times of peace. The term 'abduction of
women' conceals the preliminary murder on men that changes the
quantative relations between the sexes. By killing men in another group,
their wives can be incorporated in the own group. To protect them
against competition from within, it suffices to castrate some enemies
and to use them as eunuchs.
It should be remarked that soldiers are killed not only in the ranks of
the enemy. An additional surplus
of females is created through killings
of males in the own
ranks. 24
percent of Yanonamo males fall in battle. The decimation of males
in ware is above all a problem
with 'monogamous' people. In Jan van Leydens' Munster the ratio of
males to females was 1 to 5. That surplus was created in that many
women of expelled Catholics remained in the city, and in that many women,
who had lost their husband in war, concentrated in the city. Since all
the men were allowed to be polygamous, however, the demand for women
continued to exceed the supply: many girls married before puberty!. Also in Mormon Utah,
the surplus was created through the influx of females converts. After
the Thirty Years War, the Council of Nuremberg in 1650 pleads for
temporary polygamy to cope with the surplus of women. After the First
World War, Anquetil pleads for polygamy for the same reason. And the
campaign of Borman mentioned above was inspired by a surplus of some
three to four million women created by Hitler's wars.
He who can kill other men, can also bereave them of their wealth. He
thereby acquires the means of keeping a harem. Soon, more subtle means
are developed to obtain the same results. When an armed state protects private property, it suffices to accumulate monetary
power to buy women. Abduction of women is then transformed into purchase of
women. The bereaved men
are now allowed to stay alive, but, being economically
castrated, they have no means of bidding up against the rich.
The conclusion of the foregoing must be that the castration by the
primeval father is only the mythical version of a historical reality:
the armies that decimate each other and their successors, the rich who
bereave the poor of their women!
Human polygamy is of an altogether different nature than that of our
brothers, the primates. The similarities are only superficial and cannot
justify any foundation of human polygamy in a supposed common inheritance shared with primates or mammals. With humans, the formation of harems
depends on the extent to which economic or political inequality can be
realised. That is why human polygamy flourishes in the wake of the
development of military and economic power, and is even then
restricted to the upper layers of the
Killing of enemies orabduction of their wives are the oldest
methods of harem building.
The historical conditions for such raids have not always been present and
evolve in an unfavourable direction. Conquest of territory is
increasingly unfeasible from a military point of view, and, as a
consequence of the recent technological revolution, increasingly less
The more military power makes place for economic power, the more
abduction is replaced with purchase of women with the concomitant
economic castration of men. Also economic castration - to bereave men of
their power to purchase women - is doomed to disappear. The steady
increase in productivity in the wake of industrialisation eliminates
poverty to the extent that it becomes increasingly less rewarding to
sell sexual favours. We will come back on that subject in the chapter on asceticism. And what is more, economic castration has the drawback that
it does not influence the quantitative relation between men and women.
Those who are economically castrated thus become a permanent threat, not
so much to the harems, but of the economic privileges on which they
are built in the first place.
We will come back on that topic in the chapter on primeval communism',
where we will describe the historical counterpart of the mythical
fraternal horde.
These factors explain why the formation of harems bloomed in the
pre-industrial, feudal era and they allow to predict that it is doomed to
die out in the long run. Meanwhile, the prospects for open or concealed
harem formation are still very good on the short term: the increasing
differences between rich and poor only transform the world in a huge
hunting ground for potential harem keepers, even when the harems will
never attain the same huge proportions as in former times, because all
the forms of whoredom have become far more attractive (see
chapter IV).
Meanwhile, those who cannot afford a harem, can console themselves with
the idea that the power of the harem keepers is merely relative. The
excluded are out at breaking it, and they are successful in their attempts
to do so.
The fact alone that the mighty harem holders not only keep wives, but
also eunuchs, testifies to the fact that they feel constantly threatened
by competitors who are all too eager to pluck some flowers from their
The conclusion, then, is inevitable. That, with humans, there are as
much fertile females as fertile males cannot but lead to factual
monogamy, even when all the males
would have polygamous tendencies - always in
the supposition that there is no political or economic inequality. The
slight and only physical differences in power between the males would
only allow exceptional males to monopolise a rather modest number of
females. Polygamy on a rather modest scale could then be a negligible
exception, but never the rule.
This conclusion should draw our attention to the fact that, for a proper
approach of the problematic of polygamy (or of love in general) it is
important to make a distinction between desired and factual form of
marriage. Even when all marriages would be monogamous, that would not
allow us to conclude that people would be monogamous. Conversely, we
have to consider the possibility that the widespread practice of
polygamy does not
necessarily betray a supposedly polygamous human